Pernahkah anda dengar yang kencing manis ada kaitannya dengan serangan jantung. Menurut Persatuan Jantung Amerika (AHA), punca utama kematian dalam kalangan pesakit kencing manis adalah disebabkan serangan jantung.

Tentu anda tertanya-tanya bagaimana kencing manis boleh membawa kepada serangan jantung?? Jadi, jom..kita teruskan membaca sampai habis......^_^

Sebenarnya, penyakit kencing manis ini sangat berbahaya. Ia berupaya untuk merosakkan seluruh tubuh badan pesakit secara perlahan-lahan.   Bukan itu sahaja , salur darah kecil dan besar juga turut terjejas akibat daripada komplikasi penyakit ini. Apabila arteri telah tersumbat, maka  serangan jantung pun akan berlaku.

Biasanya, pesakit kencing manis yang diserang sakit jantung tidak mengalami tanda-tanda awal seperti sakit dada. Ini adalah kerana , penyakit kencing manis berupaya untuk merosakkan saraf-saraf dalam badan seseorang pesakit seterusnya mengurangkan deria sakit mereka.

Selain itu, tekanan darah serta tahap kolesterol penghidap kencing manis juga tinggi. Oleh itu, mereka mempunyai risiko dua atau empat kali ganda lebih tinggi untuk mendapat serangan jantung berbanding individu lain.  


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The MAIN Risk Factor --> Cholesterol


What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fatty, waxy substance that is mainly produced by our lover. Eating too much SATURATED FAT in our diet contributes to high blood cholesterol. Most saturated fats come from the ANIMAL products we eat such as: butter, processed meat (hot dog, sausage), red meats (beef, mutton), chicken skin, whole milk and cheese.

Trans fatty acids (trans fats) also result in high cholesterol and are found in pies, pastries, biscuits and cakes.

What does cholesterol do?

Cholesterol is important for our body to function properly. However, TOO MUCH cholesterol in your blood can gather up in your artery walls, causing narrowing of the arteries which leads to ---> CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE.

Cholesterol Ratio - Good Guy Bad Guy 

Since cholesterol is waxy, it cant mix with blood like oil and water. To enter the cells it attach to proteins called as lipoproteins. Hence, its important to have a good cholesterol ratio where u have more good guys (HDL Cholesterol) and less bad guys (LDL Cholesterol).


  • High Density Lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) is the GOOD guy as it helps remove cholesterol AWAY from artery walls --> REDUCING risk of heart disease.
  • Low Density Lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) is the BAD guy as it carry cholesterol TO the artery walls. --> INCREASING risk of heart disease.

There is also another type of cholesterol called Triglycerides (TG) that is the most common form of fat in our body. Excess energy is normally stored in this form. High levels of TG are associated with heart disease. 

Source: The National Heart Foundation of New Zealand


Drink it moderately!

For some people, moderate alcohol consumption seems to offer protection against heart disease. Thus, if you drink alcohol, make sure you drink it moderately. This means an average of one to two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women. In which, a drink means 12 oz of beer, 4 oz of wine, 1.5oz of 80-proof spirits, or 1 oz of 100-proof spirits. Some of the suspected heart-related benefits of alcohol include:
  1. raises HDL (good cholesterol) and reduce LDL (bad cholesterol)
  2. lowers blood pressure
  3. inhibits blood clotting by breaking up the body's natural platelets (blood cells that help in clotting the blood) and/or decreasing the vicosity of the blood
  4. helps to prevent artery damage caused by LDL by improves the elasticity in the arteries

We should never drink alcohol more than what is recommended because alcohol can raise serum triglycerides level. It can also lead to high blood pressure, heart failure and an increased caloric intake (which eventually will lead to obesity and increased risk of diabetes mellitus). Excessive drinking or binge drinking can lead to stroke and other serious problems such as fetal alcohol syndrome, cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart), cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heart beat) and sudden cardiac death.
Remember, alcohol consumption is suitable for “some” people only. Those with heart failure, cardiomyopathy, hypertension, diabetes, arrhythmia, a history of stroke, obesity, high triglycerides level should seek advice from their doctor before drinking alcohol.
However, the American Heart Association do not recommend people to drink alcohol for the purpose of getting the mentioned benefits of alcohol on heart. One should achieve the listed benefits through diet and exercise.


Merokok Menyebabkan Penyakit Kardiovaskular

Merokok membawa kerosakan kepada hampir-hampir semua organ dalaman, menyebabkan banyak jenis penyakit dan menjejaskan kesihatan perokok. Berbanding dengan individu yang tidak merokok, perokok mempunyai risiko yang lebih tinggi untuk dapat penyakit kardiovaskular seperti penyakit jantung koronari dan strok.
Korang tau tak bagaimana merokok dapat menyebabkan penyakit kardiovascular? Tak pe la! Biar saya bagitau korang prosesnya.
  1. Bahan kimia terdapat di dalam rokok merosokkan dan menjejaskan struktur dan fungsi jantung dan saluran darah anda
  2. Mengurangkan pengaliran darah dengan menyempitkan arteri (saluran darah yang membawa darah beroksigen dari jantung kepada sel-sel badan) dengan menyebadkan pembekuan darah. Ia akan menyumbatkan arteri di bahagian lengan dan kaki. Dalam tempoh masa yang lama, keadaan ini akan menyebabkan penyakit vaskular periferal
  3. Merokok akan menyebabkan abdominal aortic gondok nadi
  4. Bahan kimia terdapat dalam asap rokok merosakan sel-sel darah, terutamanya sel darah merah yang membawa oksigen dalam tubuh badan
  5. Asap rokok mempunyai kandungan karbon monoksida yang tinggi. Ia akan mengurangkan pengangkutan oksigen di dalam badan. Oleh itu, organ dalaman mungkin kekurangan oksigen untuk berfungsi
  6. Nikotin dalam rokok meningkatkan kadar jantung dan tekanan darah
  7. Secara tidak langsung, merokok juga mengurangkan lipoprotein ketumpatan tinggi, meningkatan kandungan trigliserida dalam darah, meningkatkan intoleransi glukosa, dan faktor-faktor lain menyebabkan penyakit kardiovaskular.
Kepada sesiapa yang tidak merokok, jangan sesekali ingat anda bebas daripada penyakit kardiovaskular, kerana mereka yang terdedah kepada “second hand smoke” mempunyai risiko yang lebih tinggi berbanding dengan individu yang lain. Menurut kajian, individu yang terdedah kepada “second hand smoke” mempunyai kesan negatif yang sama seperti individu yang merokok. Oleh itu, individu yang tidak merokok harus menjauhkan diri daripada golongan perokok. Kepada yang merokok, anda dinasihati supaya berhenti merokok!


Smoking Causes Cardiovascular Disease!

Guys, do you really think smoking will makes you look smart? Those who feel this way are totally wrong! Smoking harms nearly all organs in the body; which in turn causes many diseases and reduces the health of smokers in general.
Comparing with the non-smokers, smoking is estimated to increase the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke by 2 to 4 times; both are fatal CVD.
Let me tell y'all how smoking leads to coronary heart disease, the leading cause of death in almost every developing and developed countries.
  1. The chemicals damage the structure and function of your heart and blood vessels. This increases your risk of getting artherosclerosis.
  2. Cigarette smoking reduce the blood flow by narrowing the arteries (blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from heart to body cells) by increasing blood clotting tendecies; which causing the obstruction of the large arteries in the arms and legs, in long run, causing peripheral vascular diseases.
  3. Smoking causes abdominal aortic aneurysm, the swelling or weakening of the major artery that runs through the abdomen.
  4. Damage your blood cells, particulary the red blood cells; which play an important role in transporting oxygen in your body.
  5. Tobacco smoke contains high levels of carbon monoxide which reduce the amount of oxygen the blood is able to carry. This means that your vital organs do not always receive sufficient oxygen to perform daily functions.
  6. Nicotine in tobacco smoke causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.
  7. Indirecty, tobacco smoking also lead to the decreased HDL-cholesterol levels, increased trigylcerides, decreased exercise tolerance, increased glucose intolerance, increased blood clotting tendecy; other risk factors that lead to CVD!

For those didn't smoke, don't that you are free from this disease cause non-smokers who are exposed to second hand smoke will have an increased risk for heart disease by 25 to 30%. Acording to the American Heart Association, about 37,000 to 40,000 people die from heart and blood vessel disease caused by other's smoke! Inhaling secondhand smoke has immediate harmful effects on cardiovascular system with the same risk as tobacco smoking, the people who already have heart disease are at especially high risk! Those who did'nt smoke, should stay away from those who smokes. And for those who smoke, should quit smoking now!

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4 Do's For Healthy Heart


For a healthy heart, One must not simply ignore Fish Oil. According to recent major studies, if you have high cholesterol, fish oil can lower your chances of developing CVD by nearly 20%!!! For person who had Heart Attack, it can reduce the chances of heart attack again by 15 to 30%. The reason for its cardio protective properties come from its fatty acids chains of EPA and DHA. Sounds familiar? Yang selalu iklan susu bayi sebut tu la~~~ 

Fish oil can be easily obtain through the consumption of deep sea fishes such as Tuna, Cod, Salmon, Mackerel and even Sardine. Having 2 fish meals per week or through supplement is enough to achieve the needed dosage. 


Basically, any type of exercise is good for your health. However, there are some workouts that are specially effective in raising HDL (the GOOD GUY cholesterol). First, the longer your aerobic workout (duration or distance), the better the results. Remember!. Intensity doesn't matter as much.

Combination of aerobic and strength regimen can even help BURN FAT. Try a weekly program that alternates 2-3 days of walks, runs or bike ride with  2-3 days of body resistance training. (Sedentary peeps can try work up slowly with guidance of doctor, dietitian or trainer.)


Studies have shown that by simply meditation you can improve blood pressure and narrowing of the arteries. In a recent recent, among 201 subjects with cardiovascular disease, those who learned meditation were 47% less likely than non meditators to have heart attack or stroke or die of any cause. 


For YEARS our government has campaigned against SMOKING.Smoking accounts for about 1 in 5 deaths from CVD. Risk increases with the no. of cigarettes smoked each day.

Special tips to kick the habit includes:

  • Setting date to quit
  • Write down why you want to quit
  • Be CONFIDENT! Always think positively and tell yourself " I am NOT a smoker"
  • Get support if you need it.
  • Exercise more, Chew sugarless gum and bath frequently can overcome urge of smoke.



Pasti anda pernah mendengar mengenai penyakit kardiovaskular yang juga dikenali sebagai penyakit jantung. Tetapi, tahukah anda terdapat pelbagai jenis penyakit jantung yang meliputi salur darah di bahagian otak sehingga salur vena di bahagian kaki.

Antaranya ialah:
  • Angin ahmar (Strok)
  • Penyakit jantung koronori
  • Penyakit jantung reumatik
  • Penyakit jantung kongenital
  • Aneurisme aortik dan pembedahan
  • Persisian penyakit arteri
  • Trombosis vena dalam (DVT)
  • Embolisme pulmonari

Sumber: WHO



Everything happens due to some causes. And yes, same goes to Cardiovascular Disease. Let us know the risk factors of getting this disease. Or maybe you are having some of these risk factors? Check it out!
Get to know your heart now

CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) had categorized the risk factors into 3 types which are Conditions, Behavior and Heredity.

Condition (Modifiable)
  1. High Blood Cholesterol Level
  2. High Blood Pressure
  3. Diabetes Mellitus

Behaviour (Modifiable)

  1. Tobacco use
  2.  Poor diet and nutrition
  3.  Physical Inactivity
  4.  Obesity
  5. High alcohol consumptions

Heredity (Non-modifiable)
  • Due to genetic factors.

Want to get details of these risk factors? Stay with us in another post!



Setiap yang berlaku pasti ada sebab yang tertentu. Begitu juga dengan penyakit jantung. Jom kita lihat apa punca-punca yang boleh menyebabkan penyakit jantung. Adakah anda salah seorang yang mengalami faktor-faktor tersebut?

Kenali jantung anda sekarang!

CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) telah mengklasifikasikan punca-punca penyakit jantung kepada 3 bahagian; Keadaan, Tingkah laku dan Keturunan.


  1. Tinggi kandungan kolestrol dalam darah
  2. Tekanan darah tinggi
  3. Tinggi kandungan gula dalam darah (kencing manis)
Tingkah laku
  1. Penggunaan tembakau
  2. Amalan pemakanan yang tidak sihat
  3. Kurang aktiviti fizikal
  4. Obesiti
  5. Penggunaan alkohol yang tinggi
  • Berdasarkan faktor genetik
Mahu tahu lebih lanjut tentang faktor-faktor ini? Teruskan membaca post yang akan datang dari kami!



Heart Attack????

Many people would feel scared once associated with this disease. This disease often comes suddenly then cause death. Actually, different person will experienced the different form of heart attacks. Heart attack could happen anytime. There is a heart attack that occurs suddenly but in most cases, the victim can feel its sign and symptoms early.  

Here are some sign and symptoms of heart attacks;
©   You will have dizziness, fainting and shortness of breath.  It is difficult for you to perform activities such as climbing stairs, sweep or walk while you never experienced these before.
©       Prolonged muscle pain in the neck.

©       Feel pain in certain of the body parts such as arms, shoulders, jaw and ear.         
©       Chest pain
©       Sexual problem in men (erectile dysfunction)
©       You will have digestive disorders, nausea or heartburn especially in women.  

Have you ever experienced the symptoms above???
If you have experienced that, do not wait and just ignore...

You should see a doctor as soon as possible to make further examination. You maybe one of the
people with heart disease..




Serangan jantung ???

Tentu ramai yang berasa takut apabila dikaitkan dengan penyakit ini kerana penyakit ini sering datang secara tiba-tiba sehingga menimbulkan kematian. Sebenarnya serangan sakit jantung adalah berlainan di antara individu. Ia boleh berlaku pada bila-bila masa sahaja. Terdapat sakit jantung yang berlaku secara tiba-tiba, tetapi kebanyakan kes adalah di mana mangsa tersebut dapat merasa tanda atau gejala serangan jantung tersebut lebih awal.

Berikut merupakan beberapa petunjuk yang boleh dijadikan panduan sekiranya terdapat gangguan pada jantung anda;

©Pening, pengsan,rasa susah nafas atau sesak nafas.Anda akan mengalami kesukaran ketika 
   melakukan aktiviti seperti menaiki tangga, menyapu atau berjalan sedangkan anda tidak 
   pernah mengalaminya sebelum ini.

© Sakit otot yang berlarutan dibahagian leher.

©  Rasa nyeri atau sakit pada bahagian-bahagian badan seperti lengan, bahu, rahang dan telinga.

©  Rasa sempit dan tertekan pada bahagian tengah ruang dada yang berterusan untuk beberapa 

©    Masalah seksual pada lelaki (dysfungsi ereksi)

©   Gangguan pencernaan,mual atau pedih ulu hati terutama pada wanita

Adakah anda pernah mengalami gejala-gejala diatas???
Sekiranya “ya”....JANGAN ABAIKAN!! 
Anda perlu berjumpa doktor secepat mungkin untuk membuat 
pemeriksaan lanjut kerana anda mungkin salah seorang penghidap sakit jantung.



Tahukah anda?? Pada tahun 2008, sebanyak 9,807 kes kematian di Malaysia adalah berpunca daripada penyakit jantung iskemia. Sehinggakan pada hari ini, penyakit ini masih lagi digelar sebagai pembunuh nombor satu di Malaysia. Apa yang lebih menarik, menurut kajian Framingham, lelaki adalah lebih cenderung untuk mendapat penyakit jantung iskemia berbanding perempuan pada usia yang muda. Namun, kedua-dua jantina mempunyai risiko yang sama apabila meningkat usia 40-an dan ke atas.  

Punca Utama Kematian di Malaysia (2008)

Punca Kematian
Bilangan Kes
Peratus (%)
Penyakit Jantung Iskemia
Penyakit Serebrovaskular
Kemalangan Pengangkutan
Penyakitan Penafasan Rendah Kronik
Neoplasma Maglinan (Trakea, bronkus, paru-paru)
Kencing Manis
Penyakit berpunca tempoh perinatal
Penyakit Hati
Jumlah Kes Kematian yang Diperakui oleh Doktor

Menurut Jabatan Statistik Negara, jumlah kematian yang berpunca daripada penyakit jantung iskemia bagi lelaki ialah sebanyak 47,080 kes manakala jumlah kematian untuk perempuan pula ialah 28,936 kes. Penyakit ini boleh menyerang kita pada bila-bila masa sahaja. Oleh itu, kita tidak harus memandang remeh terhadap penyakit jantung. Mulakan langkah-langkah penjagaan jantung sihat hari ini supaya kita tidak menjadi mangsa seterusnya. Jom, sayangi jantung anda!



Do you that ischemic heart disease had killed 9807 Malaysians in 2008? And until now, it is still the top killer of the Malaysian . According to the Framingham Study, in younger age, men are at higher risk in getting cardiovascular  disease than women. However, after 40 of age, both men and women share the same risk of getting cardiovascular disease. 

10 Leading Causes of Death in Malaysia (2008)

Cause of Death
Number of Cases
Ischemic heart disease
Cerebrovascular disease
Transport Accident
Chronic lower respiratory disease
Maglinant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus and lung
Diabetes mellitus
Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period
Liver disease
Total case of medically certified death

In that year, the number of medically certified death for men and women are 47080 and 28936 cases respectively. Ischemic heart disease was the 1st cause of death among both sexes; which is 14.4% for men and 10.6% for women. Ischemic heart disease can attack us at anytime that we don't even can forecast its coming. Therefore, everyone of us should be aware of this life-taking disease.

Ref: Department of Statistics, Malaysia


Heart Disease Risk