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Exercise and Getting Started

Physically ACTIVE is the key to a healthy heart. 

The American Heart Association suggest at least 150 minute per week of moderate exercise.

Why be active?

The heart is a muscle and exercise helps to keep it fit so that it can pump blood efficiently around the body. W/o regular physical activity, strength and stamina will be lost.

Getting Started - Tips for Long-term Success

Have you heard the verse "it's never too late"? No matter what's your age, size or physical condition, your health risks will decrease as soon as you start!

Walking, swimming, cycling, jogging, aerobic exercise or any of many other activities can help your heart. Whether it is a structured exercise program or just part of daily routine, all exercise adds up to a healthier heart. 

Take the FIRST STEP by WALKING. It's FREE, EASY and with companion you are more likely to stay MOTIVATED.

Tips for exercise success:

Dress appropriately

  • Wear comfortable clothes and sneakers. 

Make the time

  • Start SLOWLY
  • Exercise at same time every time so it becomes a HABIT
    • For example, try walking after work or class every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 6.00 to 6.30 pm.
  • Try make it a habit, but be FLEXIBLE. If you miss an exercise opportunity, don't be disappointed and continue your regimen.

Have reasonable expectations

    •  Take the stairs instead of the escalator, park further away and walk or take 10-15 minute breaks while watching TV.
  • DON'T GET DISCOURAGED if you stop for a while, START AGAIN gradually.
  • Don't exercise after meal, should rest AT LEAST AN HOUR.
  • Don't exercise in very hot humid days or when you don't feel well.

Make it fun!

  • Choose activities that are fun that you like to enjoy.
  • Ask family and friends to join you.
  • Use variety to keep your interest up. Walk one day, swim the next, cycle on weekend.
  • Use music to keep entertain.

Track and celebrate success!

  • Keep track of your routine. Is it too much? Too little? 
  • Self reward when reach certain goal. Nothing motivate like success!

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Heart Disease Risk